Let’s Go Camping

BarCampNYC 4 is coming up in just under two weeks, and I’d just like to take this opportunity to encourage people to go check it out. I had a great time at my first BarCamp in Philadelphia last year, and got to meet a bunch of amazing Philly friends who taught me a lot, shared… Continue reading Let’s Go Camping

Internet Week Picks

Yes, as the calendar turns from May to June, a whole wealth of talented Internet professionals are now making plans to gather in New York City for what’s becoming a yearly tradition called Internet Week NY.   I ended a bunch of events last year at the first one, and had a great time and… Continue reading Internet Week Picks

The Void

I think the single thing that’s hardest to deal with when you lose someone close to you is the void their lack of presence leaves in all things they impacted in the universe. The things you cant do or say or experience with this person. And the gap between “you cant right now” and “you… Continue reading The Void

Today is #tenbuckthursday!

As you may already be aware, I’m involved with a great organization called Social Media for Social Change that mobilizes the connections people make online into in-person fundraising events around the country. We’re holding our second fundraising event in New York City, next Friday night, April 3, at the Roger Smith Hotel to benefit City… Continue reading Today is #tenbuckthursday!

I want…

… everyday to just be a little different than the day before so it doesn’t feel wasted. … the ability to think and speak for myself, no matter what a mistake that may be sometimes … the chance to change the world all at once, but also over time … the opportunity to be a… Continue reading I want…

2008: Part Two

I’ll save you the explanation of doing a Best of 2008 post in the last week of January 2009. Short excuse: I’m hooked on Tumblr. Anyway, for those who haven’t been listening… WAKE UP! And, to catch you up on the details: Those who missed Part 1 of this post, check it out here. For… Continue reading 2008: Part Two

2008: Part One

In November, as 2008 started to wind down to completion, and I started to reflect on anniversaries, I started to think about how I would remember the year that was 2008. Clearly already a big year in my life, the month of December obviously became one of the most transitional of my entire life. But,… Continue reading 2008: Part One

Finding something paws-itive in the mail

In the mail lately, I’ve gotten a strange combination of the usual credit card spam (Bank of America, trust me in saying, our relationship will be over as soon as humanly possible), bills, and other things (reminders to tip the building staff). With that also has come birthday cards (thank you), Christmas and holiday cards,… Continue reading Finding something paws-itive in the mail